Renowned teacher and author Vivian Paley became bothered by the number of times she heard children in her kindergarten classroom say, “You can’t play!” She saw that ostracized and rejected children became sad to the point of losing interest in learning and playing, and decided to introduce a new classroom rule—"You Can’t Say You Can’t Play."
In Belonging, Oklahoma teacher Terry Varnell shows and tells how she uses the “You Can’t Say You Can’t Play” rule in her kindergarten classroom to create community, improve academic performance and eliminate behavior problems. Vivian Paley and other experts in human development share their wisdom and more about the research behind the rule.
Belonging is an extended excerpt of REJECT documentary. Running time 57 minutes.
You Can’t Say You Can’t Play, by Vivian Paley. (Havard University Press, 1993)
“Boosting School Belonging: Pratical Strategies to Help Adolescents Feel Like They Belong At School”, Allen, K. and Kern, P. (UK, Routlege, 2019)
Parenting: A Dynamic Perspective, Fourth Edition. Textbook by George Holden and Amanda Harrist. (Sage Publications, 2025)
Lieberman, M. D., & Eisenberger, N. I. “A pain by any other name (rejection, exclusion, ostracism) still hurts the same.” (MIT Press, 2006)